X-Ray Luggage Scanners in Kenya
Intelvision is a well-known supplier of a wide variety of x-ray scanners in Kenya. The scanners are designed for visual inspection of different objects (baggage, mail, etc.) without opening them to reveal objects, materials and substances that are prohibited for import (export) or differ from declared content.
Its use allows to effectively inspect parcels, small baggage and personal belongings to detect dangerous objects (including identification of substances by effective atomic number) and other prohibited items.
Tunnel Size: 500(W)*300(H) mm
Conveyor Speed: 0.22m/s
Conveyor Max Load: 150kg
Dose per Inspection: <0.5uGy/h
Resolution: <0.101 mm Metal Wires
Penetration: 8mm Steel
Film Safety: Guarantee ISO1600 Film
X-ray Leakage: <0.2 uGy/h (at a distance of 5cm from external housing)
Generate direct: Upward
Generate angle: 60 degree
Anode Voltage: 80Kv
Anode power: 0.4 to 0.5mA
Cooling / Duty Cycle: Oil Cooling /100%